Tech part:

This week we have finished Proof of Concept of our game.

instead of jumping into the character ability building. we have spent a lot of time on building the base structure of character control interface and Boss state machine. as a result, we do not have the collectable item done. but these base structures allow us to design Boss to fight more efficiently. For example, instead of hard coding the boss's movement, we set up some state that the boss can have then we can arrange those states for the boss and push them into the state machine. We also have recorded player's state by monitoring player's input thus we can have the boss react to the player's action.

We understand one of our game's main feature is to have the player pick up the collectable and put parts on to player's body. to demonstrate that we have added a button when pressing that part shows up on the player's body(mentioned in the video).

We also have basic UI attached in the game and working.

Art part:

With the collaborate of the Art team, we are having some amazing concept art relate to the character design.  Here are some of the design :





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look greeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat